The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) has released the latest syllabus and exam pattern for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). This announcement is crucial for all aspirants looking to appear in the RSPCB JEE.
Here are the key details of the syllabus and exam pattern:
The syllabus for the RSPCB JEE includes the following subjects:
Environmental General Knowledge:
This section will contain questions on National/International events related to environment and common understanding of environmental processes, National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, Pollution Indices
Water/Waste Water/Industrial Waste Water Engineering:
Unit processes/Operations related to water and waste water treatment, namely Equalization Coagulation; Flocculation; Settling; filtration; Disinfection; Aeration; Adsorption etc. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and Sewage; Activated sludge process and its modifications; treatment ponds and aerated lagoons; Trickling filters; Rotating biological contactors; Sequencing Batch reactor and Membrane Batch Reactor. Anaerobic digestion; Anaerobic filter and UASB, Nitrification & De- nitrification. Characteristics and treatment of waste water from Textile, Tannery, Dairy, Distillery, Pharmaceutical Industry, Organic Chemical, Vegetable Oil Refinery.
Air and Noise Pollution:
Sources of air pollution; Properties of air pollutants; Meteorological factors influencing dispersion of air pollutants; Gaussian plume model for dispersion of air pollutants and its applications, Effects on human health. Control technology for particulate and gaseous pollutants from industries. Air pollution due to Automobiles and emission control; Basic of noise pollution, Measurement and management of noise. Permissible noise levels in different zones, Effects of noise on human beings, Ambient Air Quality standards & Air Quality Index.
Environmental Impact Assessment/Environmental Legislations in India:
Basic concept of Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement and Environment Management Plan; Prediction and assessment of impacts on air, water, biota, noise, cultural and socioeconomic environment; Rapid and comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment.
Environment (Protection) Act 1986,
its amendments and various rules /notification made thereunder. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
Municipal Solid Waste, Biomedical Waste, E-Waste, Plastic Waste and Hazardous Solid Waste:
Problems associated with Solid Waste viz; municipal, biomedical, hazardous, e-waste, plastic waste etc., its generation; classification; characterization; analysis; Onsite Collection Handling, storage Transport and Processing of solid waste; Recovery of Resources, Conversion Products and Energy generation from solid waste. Hazardous waste definition; Risk associated with hazardous waste & its Assessment; Waste Minimization; Priorities in hazardous waste management; hazardous waste treatment.
General Knowledge (with special reference to history, art, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan), Mathematics, reasoning and current affairs
Exam Pattern : -
The RSPCB JEE exam pattern consists of the following:
There will be one paper consisting of two parts having multiple choice type questions. There will be total 75 numbers of questions of 3 marks each. The question paper will be in Hindi and English (Bilingual)
For detailed information, you can download the official syllabus and exam pattern document by clicking on the link below:
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